Saturday, May 11, 2024

Rest In Peace Daniel Zirilli - 1965-2024 - Thank You For The Inspiration! Rest In Action Power!



I will be honest, a year away from this site has been interesting, my interest in music is once again coming to the forefront.  Not sure how much I will be on here, but I just want to thank you sir for allowing me to see an insight into indie films. The highlight of my writing career is introducing you to actress JuJu Chan and Director of Photography Carmen Cabana for Hollow Point. I am thrilled you got to work with them! Also you were able to Use Zom Ammara for Time Rush. Never think that indie films cannot be great with the right people, to his children:

 May you find peace, love and happiness throughout the rest of your lives. There are always avenues to allow for growth.

For more info on Daniel Zirilli, I invite my readers to check out my 2016 interview.

My 2016 interview:

Words fail me, all I can say is thanks for this spectacular interview, inspiration to write this site.

Monday, May 8, 2023

Angus McSix And the Sword of Power (2023) Napalm Records - © 2023 Dan's Movie & Music Report – Danny Templegod


Above Image: (C) 2023 Angus McSix from their official page. Skaw, Angus, Thalia and in the back Sebulon!!

Greetings valued Dan's Movie & Music Report readers. Although I have reviewed several musical releases on my site, my intention is to balance my movie reviewing with some great music. A perfect place to begin my quest is the the amazing Napalm Records release of the debut release of Angus McSix.

Angus McSix is essentially a super-group comprised of well respected members of groups who they are either a current part or past part of. Thomas Winkler is the the vocalist, with a well publicized exit from 'Gloryhammer' Seeb of course is the mastermind of 'Orden Ogen' . The incredibly talented guitarist Thalia came from 'Frozen Crown' after and amicable split from the band in 2020. The mighty drummer, and I do mean mighty, goes by the name of Skaw in Angus McSix is well respected and will make sure everyone in the band is in tip top physical shape!!

The double CD which is quite clever packaging includes a second all orchestral version. I love this! I think there are times when it is great to have the option to listen to classical music, while driving! Both discs sound great, in headphones and at maximum volume through speakers.

Musically the two stand out tracks are 'Sixcalibur' and 'Laser Shooting Dinosaurs'. I listened to a detailed interview with Thalia where she discussed that she had the option to of course add solos to the songs, but like the true pro she is, she only chose 'Sixcalibur' as she said it was important not to distract from Thomas vocals and the vibe of the song. This brings me to my next point, it is extremely obvious that Thalia is an amazing guitarist, yet manages at the young age of 23 to recognize that it is now about consistently ripping solos in every song. I mean I really love power metal, but at times, over soloing just feels at times unecessary.

'Laser Shooting Dinosaurs, which incidentally has an over the top hysterical animated music video is just fun and creative. Again this band is made up of professional musicians who respect each other's talent.

Of course I would be remiss if I did not mention the worlds ultimate diss track 'Masters of The Universe' I mean the lyrics are next level hysterical and just maniacal. I mean, “Glory left my hammer, now I wield a sword” Seeb and Thomas really created a unique project.

I have watched some of the live performances from their first tour with 'Warkings' and the mighty

Thalia and Thomas danced with a dinosaur on stage! The crowd loved it! I feel that this band was made to perform live and in 2024 I am sure they will hit the USA! This new cd is perfect. Rating an 11 out of 10, as everything in this realm is one better!!

This brings me to my final point, three cheers to Napalm Records for literally delivering on all levels with the incredibly high quality releases and support of women metal as well. With my next review I plan to tackle Ignea's new CD!

For further up to date information on Angus McSix please visit their official Facebook Page @

For detailed band information thrust your laser shooting pointers to:

For the finest in metal, please blast your browsers over to Napalm Records!

Watch this space for future information!!

Monday, May 1, 2023

Mase Brothers Complete Successful 'Dragon's Revenge' Crowdfunding Campaign © 2023 Dan's Movie Report - Danny Templegod


Greetings valued Dan's Movie Report readers. Fresh off a completed run of crowdfunding The Mase Brothers for their brand new film!!

Kickstarter campaign is over ! We reached our goal !

207 backers, 20 450€ raised. (Still waiting the final Kickstarter status)

Masebrothers and the DRAGON’S REVENGE Team would like to say a huge « THANK YOU » to everyone!

The last few days were a blast for us : 207 amazing backers from around the world still support retrowave movie and it’s so good, a lot of sharing of the project, lovely messages, support from friends and journalists who believe in us and we’ve finally reached the 2n Goal ! Our love letter to the 80s/90s is now a reality and we will make a hell of good damn action-packed movie !

We would like to say a special thanks to those guys who help us a lot during these past 30 days :

NewRetroWave, BenCombes films, DarkSide Reviews, Fred of The Dead, Ultimate Action Movie Club, Maxime Chao, Chronik Fiction, The Action Elite, Cinema mon amour, Yoann Sardet, James Secker & Synthwave TV, Le Coin du Bis, Var Matin, Luc Benito, Eklecty City, Danny Templegod … (sorry for those we forgot to mention) and all of friends & our family who did a lot for us! :)

What comes next?

We are beginning the pre-production, and will finalize the new script !

We are now able to make contact with our partners to create the world of New Jack City! We also try to get some subvention to expand the production of DRAGON'S REVENGE  !

Keep reading Dan's Movie report for a full production blog when the movie beings filming!

Keep up with the latest happenings of the talented Masebrothers! @




Please view the original short @ 

Friday, April 28, 2023

Actress Janice Hung 2023 Interview (Exclusive!) © Dan's Movie Report - Danny Templegod


Above Photo: Promotional Photo of Janice Hung in character (C) 2023 GMA Network and Mga Lihim ni urduj. All Rights Reserved, Image not monetized.

Greetings valued Dan's Movie Report and Action-Flix readers, today is a brand new interview with the amazing Janice Hung. She chats about a brand new highly rated series on GMA network entitled; "Mga Lihim ni Urduja". Read on as Janice gives an in depth look behind the scenes of the show, and how her character has evolved. Sit back, relax, grab some tea and read the erudite answers from Ms Janice Hung.

Chat about how you were selected to perform on the show, was there an audition process?

The Talent Coordinator called my manager and asked if I was available and could join the show because it's a reunion project of the well-loved Sanggres (Saga) of Encantadia, where I also played the iconic role of Bathaluman Ether. I was excited to be a part of Mga Lihim ni Urduja. Even more so, I found the story of "Mga Lihim ni Urduja" intriguing and captivating, so I accepted the role. It was an honor to play the characters of Bulan, a Babaylan Priestess and Warrior, and Madam Astra, a Chinese Fortune Teller who is a reincarnation of Bulan. I hope that I am able to bring these characters to life in a way that entertains and captivates our viewers.

Above Image: Janice Hung on set of show in character (C) 2023 Janice Hung, show copyright GMA network. All Rights Reserved.

Chat about the show's premise

In "Mga Lihim ni Urduja," I play two characters: Bulan, a Babaylan Priestess and Warrior, and Madam Astra, a Chinese Fortune Teller who is a reincarnation of Bulan. The show is set in both the pre-colonial and modern worlds, and it tells the story of Hara Urduja, a powerful and brave warrior queen who leads her people with grace and courage. Along with other characters, including Bulan and Astra, Hara Urduja faces various challenges as she navigates through her world, including issues of power, love, and betrayal. As an actress, I am proud to be part of this project, which has a unique and compelling premise that explores the intersection of the traditional and modern worlds. The show's intricate plot and well-rounded characters create an exciting and engaging viewing experience that captivates audiences.

I noticed many of shows in the Philippines have serial qualities as each show builds on the previous show, a bit like American Soap Operas, I am curious of your thoughts on this, would you rather have a single episode tell a story or do you like the arc between episodes and seasons of shows?

As an actress, I think having seasons for a show provides an excellent opportunity to develop characters and storylines over time. It allows the audience to become more invested in the characters and their journey and see how they grow and change throughout the series. With each episode building on the previous one, it creates a sense of continuity and connection that can be engaging for viewers.

Moreover, having a serialized format allows for more complex and nuanced storytelling, as writers can explore different themes and subplots across multiple episodes or seasons.

This format can also lead to cliffhangers and other forms of suspense, which can help to keep the audience engaged and excited to see what happens next.

Of course, there are also advantages to having standalone episodes that tell a complete story in just one episode. This format can be great for showcasing a particular idea or theme, and it can also be more accessible to casual viewers who may not be able to commit to watching an entire season of a show.

Overall, both formats have their strengths and weaknesses, and it really depends on the specific show and what the creators are trying to achieve. But as an actress, I enjoy the challenge and creative opportunities of working on a serialized show.

Above Image: (C) 2023 Janice Hung Image of the set and behind the scenes. All rights reserved, Image created for Dan's Movie Report.

Great balanced answer regarding a serial vs stand alone episodes. Moving on to the next question, discussthe name of the show 'Mga Lihim ni Urduja', what does that translate to in English? Are there ever plans to translate or subtitle the shows in the English language, I ask this cause your show Encantadia was very good I think it would translate to the US market.

To answer your question on the title, "Mga Lihim ni Urduja" it translates to "The Secrets of Urduja" in English. As for plans to translate or subtitle the show in English, I don't have any specific information on that at this time. However, I do agree that it would be great to have the show accessible to a broader audience, both within and outside of the Philippines. Shows like Encantadia have already proven that Filipino shows whether tv series or films can be popular and successful on a global scale, and I believe that "Mga Lihim ni Urduja" has the potential to follow in its footsteps. Ultimately, it will be up to the production and distribution teams to decide how best to market and promote the show. Still, I am hopeful that they will take steps to make it more widely available and accessible to all audiences.

I do hope I have an opportunity to view the series. Chat about training and working with the actors on your new show, are you working as a fight and action coordinator or assistant as well?

In terms of my training and working with my co-actors on "Mga Lihim ni Urduja," I always strive to give my best effort in every scene, whether it involves acting, fighting, or any other aspect of performance. While I am not specifically working as a fight or action coordinator, I am grateful to have had the opportunity to contribute to the choreography of my own fight scenes. The production team, director, and executive producer have supported my input in creating effective and exciting fight sequences.

Working with my colleagues on the show has been a great experience. Many of us have worked together before on Encantadia, which has helped to create a sense of familiarity and collaboration on set. At the same time, it has also been wonderful to meet and work with other actors who bring fresh perspectives and talents to the project. I am proud to call many of my co-actors not just colleagues but valued collaborators on this exciting series.

Overall, the dedication and collaborative spirit among everyone involved in the show have helped to create a dynamic and engaging final product. I look forward to continuing to work together as the series progresses.


Above Image: (C) 2023 Janice Hung behind the scenes for the GMA show. Exclusive to Dan's Movie Report

Always training , whenever yo u are either on a show or not. Regards to the filming of your new series, are multiple episodes filmed in a single week or is the show filmed one episode at a time? Can you share a funny or unusual set story from filming or training for the show?

In the production of "Mga Lihim ni Urduja," we typically film multiple episodes in a single week. It allows us to efficiently manage the shooting schedule and stay on track with the series' production timeline. It also requires a lot of focus and energy from everyone involved. We must maintain a high level of consistency in our performances and ensure we deliver the best possible work throughout the long days on set.

Despite the challenges of filming multiple episodes in a week, it ultimately helps us to create a more cohesive and immersive viewing experience for audiences. We're able to maintain a strong sense of continuity and build momentum over the course of each filming block, which translates well on screen. Of course, it also requires a lot of careful planning and coordination from the production team to ensure that everything runs smoothly, but I have complete trust in their abilities to keep things moving forward.

I realize the show takes up much of your time now, but I am curious have you prior to the show filming had the opportunity to do the 'Udefend' or another training program or has it been very limited due to lockdowns and covid?

"I haven't had the opportunity to do the 'Udefend' or another training program prior to filming the show. Unfortunately, due to lockdowns and COVID-19 protocols, it has been very limited. Even though I could not conduct physical training for Udefend in public schools and communities. I shifted to online coaching to promote health and wellness among my followers during the pandemic. It's my way of giving back and sharing helpful tips to stay healthy and strong during these challenging times.


Above Image: (C) 2023 Janice Hung - Behind the scenes on set. Exclusive to Dan's Movie Report

Finally Janice, chat about if you have any other projects lined up when filming on the show is either on a hiatus or complete.

This is the first project that I have accepted after the Covid-19 lockdown. I am open to exploring new opportunities and projects after the show. It has been a challenging year for the industry due to the pandemic, but I am hopeful and excited for what the future holds. As of now, there have been talks about a possible season 2 for "Mga Lihim ni Urduja," but nothing is final yet.

Thank you for the insight to your new show on GMA network, we will catch up later in 2023.

Connect with Janice through these official sites:

Official Facebook:

Official YouTube:

New behind the scenes video! May 2023!

Friday, March 31, 2023

The Assassin's Apprentice 2: Silbadores of the Canary Islands (2022) Movie Review © 2023 Dan's Movie report – Danny Templegod

Above Poster: (C) 2023 Innomagic Productions. Used for promotional purposes only, all rights reserved, image not monetized.

Greetings valued Dan's Movie Report readers. Across my desk today comes a brand new film from producer Paul Hickman and director Russ Emanuel called 'The Assassin's Apprentice 2: Silbadores of the Canary Islands'. This 25 minute short film is actually a part two of the series, the first film titled 'The Assassin's Apprentice' film was released in 2018. Actually the second installment was mainly filmed prior to the pandemic, so post production has taken a bit longer than usual.

Full disclosure, as in the first film, I donated money as a contributor to the Indiegogo campaign, however I had zero input on cast selection, plot or production locations, nor any ideas regarding this film. I watch and review many short films, and do my best to compare them to other films of similar budgets and ideas. Obviously, a short film is an attempt at eventually producing a full length feature. Russ has directed many shorts and features, I must say objectively that this is probably his most ambitious production.

For brevity I will shorten the name to 'TAA 2', this film is a full ten minutes longer than the first film, and ties into the themes of the first film. Essentially Actress Tarah Paige portrays Kaylee, a green Assassin, who has to learn tricks of the trade. In the second film, she has begun to do things her own way, a bit of a rebel.

Since this is very early on in the film festival run of 'TAA 2' I have decided to make this a very basic and spoiler free review, Russ is very active on submitting to the film festival circuit and I am sure throughout the next year or more the film should screen in the area where you live. Russ has informed me the film will actually be screening in South Florida April 14th- 16th ASSASSIN’S APPRENTICE 2 MAJOR NEW SELECTION!!! We just got word that “The Assassin’s Apprentice 2” is an OFFICIAL SELECTION and WILL SCREEN at the Miami International Science Fiction Film Festival (MiSciFi), Thursday April, 27th, 2023, at 4:15pm in Miami, Florida! Thank you to the Festival and Go Team Assassins 2! The festival takes place in The Tower Theater's+Tower+Theater+Miami/@25.7654401,-80.2222477,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x88d9b6f0b8608a2d:0x85e1d388a939795f!8m2!3d25.7654353!4d-80.2196728!16s%2Fm%2F09v47qw?coh=164777&entry=tt&shorturl=1

The festival passes are available: for $69.00 and are good for every film at the festival.

Overall, I like the direction the saga is going, Tarah Paige is improving as an actress, and has made this role her own, putting full effort into the project. I always enjoy when people who are known for stunts branch out into full acting roles as well. Tarah is bright, bubbly, playful and fits in this setting.

'TAA' and 'TAA 2' fall firmly into the sci-fi realm but there is a decent amount of action, enough for action fans to possibly enjoy them. The movies and especially the second part have a variety of drone footage and exotic locations, allowing for the viewer to be transported into the world. Tarah can handle the free running and most of the physical aspects of action with ease. This is not a 'John Wick' action film or a highly cerebral science fiction endeavor. 'TAA 2' really falls into the story building and casual humor sci-fi.

In 'TAA 2' as in the first film look for roles from Star Trek actors. Russ and Producer/Writer Paul Hickman are huge trek fans like myself, and have a knack for obtaining the services of actors from the various series. In the second film look for Armin Shimerman as Roy and Tracee Cocco as Gwen.

I am curious about what will happen in the third installment of this saga. Apparently Paul Hickman has ideas of a feature film and or a series. I will say I enjoyed the second film as much as the first film, but I feel it is kind of important to watch the first film. My review is here for the first flick:

I invite all of my readers to check out Russ's official site especially the news portion as it has detailed screening information for 'TAA 2'

Overall my rating is the same as the first film, a high quality, well produced and edited short, worthy of a watch, and rates an 8 out of 10. Throughout 2023 watch my site for updates and of course, other surprises!