Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Still (2014) Movie Review (C) Dan's Movie Report

Over 20 years ago, Michael Douglas starred in the powerful decent to madness film 'Falling Down'. He lashed out at society for his deep emotional problems. Updated for 2014 'Still' has 'Game of Thrones' star
 as Tom Carver, a man tormented.  His torment begins with the death of his teenage son, but evolves fluidly into a maelstrom of lies, anger, and deceit.

Everything in Carver's life is a drama, some real, some imagined. No spoilers, but this film is not one to watch if happy and sweet endings are what you are looking for. If so, read on

In addition to his personal problems he has two prominent women in his life, one his ex wife Rachel, played by  . Rachel is older sophisticated and a bit of a lush, but seems to be a bit on the pragmatic side. Amanda's portrayal of Rachel is subtle and nuanced, she is seemingly seething underneath as evidenced when she meets his new flame Christina,
Their encounter, is a dramatic moment, awkward, with each trying to be nice, obviously. Rachel is jealous of the younger and more attractive Christina, but feigns a smile and handshake. Christina seems more aloof, but the tension between them is obvious.

The complexities of 'Still' are wrapped up into a package served with very low speaking volume dialogue. I recommend  headphones for this film. Also the film is dialogue heavy, so a rewatch of 'Still' is recommended. Simon Blake, wears the director and writer hat in 'Still' and this allows for his singular vision of a decent to anger to come to fruition.

The highlights of 'Still' are the acting performances of Aidan and Elodie. Aidan has to portray a character who not only has flaws, but they are more pronounced as the film progresses. Obviously a difficult and emotional ride. Elodie has perhaps the most impressive scene in the film as her character comes to Aidan, and exposes her scars emotional and physical. She closes up, and screams. and is ready to just explode, all in a few seconds. If 'Still' screened for the academy, easily an award nomination, for her, but again, the subject matter is so sad and depressing, that it will just be relegated to astute indie critics. Watch for some side encounters with additional characters, all adding up to the complete Tom Carver character.

Minor quips about volume level, darkness of tone, etc... are there, but overall this is a solid effort
'Still' is not a happy ride, but it will sit with you long after the credits roll. 'Still' rates an 8 out of 10.

The film is available on Amazon as an instant stream https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/detail/B00WSCDI5M?ie=UTF8&keywords=Still%20Elodie%20yung&qid=1443546444&ref_=sr_1_1&sr=8-1

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