Saturday, June 9, 2012

Prometheus Movie Review

Above Pic: Fox promo poster for Prometheus

Before actually reviewing this film, I will say that there will be a large majority of the plebiscite and obstinate, who will dismiss this film as socially reprehensible, ultra theosophical, yet once again Mr Scott erudiates us, enlightens our minds, and blasts our senses with a cacophony of excess.

The film opens with a superior sentient being drinking a potion and thus dispelling his DNA into the murky waters. This is where my review of plot description ends, to spoil this movie would be theatrical blasphemy.

Basically, what it boils down to is a search for life, an enigmatic search for mankind's existance and Prometheus forces us as audience members to think about what we believe, and where we came from.

Allegory is abound in Prometheus, watch for the placement of the cross around Shaw's neck. Deflecting and deception reign supreme as the film rolls headlong into the penultimate, and the foreboding ultimate conclusion.

As for the screening, I saw this on a 5 story high by 8 story wide museum IMAX with full remote activated wireless glasses, and 15,000 watt sound system. The film was shot this way, to be experienced in a museum setting, 15/70 aspect, I DO NOT, recommend to see it, the first time at least, any other way. No Mall theater has this! There are appx. 30 theaters in the US with screens this size or larger, find one and go!

The presentation of Prometheus was flawless, save for a few minor scene changes and dissolves. The 3D depth of field was the best since Avatar, but with this film, this was not an inviting landscape. The ships and look of the film had the original Alien feel, part new part old technology. There were organisms, and landscapes, that are easily missed if not paying full attention.

Above Pic: (C) 2012 Fox/ Screen Cap: Dan's Movie Report (Click to increase size, right click the larger sized pic, and select view image, and then select save as.) Congrats, you got Noomi!

As for the acting, I liked the characters. I think they went for a cross section of humanity on this mission. As for Noomi's accent, yeah, guess what idiots, her first language is, surprise, not English! She portrayed her character with depth, tenacity, a feral like desire to learn the truth. Her quest for knowledge and impassioned searching are refreshing in a time when comfort is the norm. Noomi obviously worked out athletically for the part, she was ready to kick ass, because Ridley expects that of his actresses.

Charlize Theron, was cold and calculated, playing the first class bitch role to near perfection. Fassbender, well, he is Fassbender, entertaining to watch garrulous and intellectual. The secondary characters are interesting, I particularity liked the two geologists who became scared at the discovery of life, and deliver the classic line, "I came here to study rocks, I did not sign up for this."

 Above Pic: (C) 2012 Fox/ Screen Cap: Dan's Movie Report (Check steps in above pic to increase size.)

That is it readers, in a few words, I liked it, but do caution, simpleton, I like my films wrapped in a box, viewers, you probably WILL hate it. I give Prometheus a 9 out of 10, damn epic, my mind works in mysterious ways, hahah! Please bring Noomi in for further research!

Alpha Girls Brings the Babes, Blood, and Bad Behavior!!

Above Pic: Alpha Girls pic from the official Facebook page.

Got a cool e-mail from Director Kevin Gallagher, he gives me a brief plot synapses of his new film: "Alpha Beta House is the oldest and most elite sorority in the world. Some of the most influential politicians, celebrities and scientists are Alpha Girl alumni. After performing long hidden rituals, some of the sisters suspect that their good fortune is tainted by demonic evil. They quickly realize firsthand that the consequences of their curiosity are much more gruesome than any of them could have possibly imagined."

Alpha Girls info:  Starring: Nikki Bell, Falon Joslyn, Nicole Cinaglia, Kara Zhang and Beverly Rivera

From the writers of DOGS of Mars (Image Comics) Tony Trov & Johnny Zito; DiY artists living in Philadelphia.

How can this be a bad thing, sexy girls, splattering blood and Ron Jeremy. I am all over this like a cheap suit. Watch for future interviews, the movie review, and possibly a giveaway when the movie releases!

For now, point your stiff browsers to the Official Facebook Page @

Or slice your web surfing device to the main site @  Below is the direct link to the trailer:

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Dawn Rider Movie Review

Above Pic: Christian Slater is the Cincinnati Kid, who has never been to Ohio.

Dawn Rider is a yarn about a man outside the law, John Mason (Christian Slater) who becomes entangled with a gang of thugs called "Dos Eques" after they kill his father.

The violent gang wears white sheet facial masks, robs the Pony Express, and one of them injure Mason as he attempts to stop them. Watch for a heavily bearded Donald Sutherland chasing Mason throughout the film and waxing poetically about Mason's dastardly deeds. Sutherland is like 50 year old scotch, take a few sips, savor, and place back on the shelf, he is every ones father, or grandfather.

Slater channels his western chops and turns out a decent performance. Unfortunately Dawn Rider moves much to slowly to generate mounting excitement, or delves deep enough into the character development, for the viewer to care more than a trifle about most of the actors in the film.

The only secondary character given any screen time at all is Alice, (Jill Hennesy). Alice is a rough talking, forthcoming, highly charged, salacious woman, that has a liking of guns, and non traditional sex. She is a treat to watch in Dawn Rider, and works hard to get deeper into her role, with well placed voice inflection and expressive eye movement.

Above Pic: Jill Hennesy as Alice, with her fruit basket, complete with a loaded peacemaker.

Dawn Rider's settings for the most part reflect life in the west in the 1880s, clothes, buildings, and background. According to IMDB this film cost 5mil to make. It appears that several elaborate outside sets were built, but nothing here seems to scream out huge budget. (Thanks for the budget correction in the comments sir.)

Dawn rider has a few high points of shoot-out western action when the gang robs the stagecoach. Hennesy is a good actress and is entertaining to watch as she exudes aggression with her Alice character. In fact as the film progresses, I wait in intrepid anticipation until she graces the screen again.

Dawn Rider is not a great western, but decent enough to recommend a rent. I rate this tale of pursuit and payback a 5 out of 10. I rate Jill Hennesy cute and talented haha, I am out!

Rent it now at Amazon, follow link below!

(C) 2012 Danny Shamon, Dan's Movie Report

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Poe Movie Review

Above Pic: Poster for Poe (C) 2012 Metropolis Pictures Entertainment

Being a huge fan of the works of Edgar Allen Poe, this film has been on my radar for months. Francis Xavier paints an sordid tale of the life of a doctor turned serial killer by the name of "The Chef".

As a film, Poe for the most part, does fall flat on the acting side, I wish the actors would have shown more emotion. This would have given the audience more connect to the story. There is a pensive disconnect theme which runs throughout the film, much like the literary themes Poe used. Often a character seems to be looking off into space, this is probably setting the foreboding mood, such as the scene prior to the first actress being abducted, there is a pause. The lead actor David Fine (Dr. Andrew Casey-The Chef) has a subtle yet creepy quality. He whispers his demands to his victims, instilling fear.

Actress Christy Sturza is convincing as The Chef's first unsuspecting victim Sophia Tan. She is brought into his lair by a big hulking guy three times her size.  Christy put some emotion into her character, and the apprehension, and fear she displayed made for an entertaining scene. Hopefully she will be in more films.

Above Pic: Innocent actress Sophia Tan (Christy Sturza) is captured, frightened and alone.

Most of the script is decent, and is written in somewhat of the same style in which Poe would write, mysterious, gloomy, and ambiguous. The movie is wordy, and more often than not this leads to a big audience turn off. The execution of the dialogue, however, does not match up to the script. The passion is just not there most of the time.

For special effects the limitations are evident, but I have seen far worse. Transitioning from scene to scene is not as smooth as it could be.this is obviously budget and time constraints, and lack of a larger film crew.

Overall, I cautiously recommend the film, but only to those who enjoy loquacious story, character account type films, and are fans of the writing style of Edgar Allen Poe.  I am interested to see what Mr. Xavier comes up with the next celluloid go around. I give Poe a marginal passing grade of 4.5 out of 10.

An official website for Poe is set up @  Check there for more detailed information about the cast and crew. The film is available for order below on Amazon.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

June 2012 News Update, New Selina Lo and Krystal Vee Photos!

First up: Adam Shankman reports that the LA screening of Rock of Ages for The Trevor Project was a huge success. The screening was in the Warner Lot on Saturday June 2nd and raised money for the organization that intervenes to prevent gay, lesbian, and transgender suicide. Check out

The Soundtrack for Rock of Ages is out, and includes 20 tunes ranging from power ballads to anthem like rock tunes such as "Pour Some Sugar On Me"! Rock of Ages Premiered June 7th in Miami, and opens nationwide June 15th.

Check out this clip of an epic flash mob in Toronto for Rock of Ages Premiere!

Watch for exclusive Pics From fantastic Boaz Zippor coming shortly on Dan's Movie Report. Below is a taste of the sexy, sultry, and sweet Krystal Vee!

Below Check out the ever dangerous and definitely cute Selina Lo!

In other news: Actress Stephanie Cheeva reports that Jeremy Lin the Musical was a success raising money for her Love Never Fails World Charity (Link in box above right of the page. Love Never Fails World Charity raises money to help end child trafficking, 100% of the money taken in is used directly for the cause.

James Bond: Skyfall has wrapped principal photography. Watch for new photos and interviews shortly! The Movie unleashes the action on U.S. soil November 9th 2012!

Writer Ben Loyd-Holmes reports that Mercs is currently in production, keep reading Dan's Movie Report for more exclusive coverage!

Excellent New Zealand ass kicker Zoë Bell reports on her twitter that Raze has officially began production this week. Scars are a plenty on this violent film, which also stars Rachel Nichols and Tara Macken. Watch for more news and exclusive interviews. If girls are a fighting, I am all the way in, at times way over my head haha!

Director Ross Boyask, fresh from Cannes, reports that Warrioress is nearing completion, a few of the final elements were not complete in time for the festival. Producer and Lead actress Cecily Fay is currently working on the new Tarzan film. Cecily also worked as a stunt double on Prometheus and Snowwhite and the Huntsman.Watch for more info, new photos, new videos, and upcoming contest later in the year!

Action film Iron Monk reports that their You Tube trailer has 200,000 page views! kick ass! Just like Dan's Movie Report! The Iron Monk crew have posted a Brand new interview video @
Read Dan's Movie Report for news, new pics, and new info!

Check out this brand new ad for Zaggora Fitness. The inspirational ad displays several athletic ladies during their workout sessions. Actress Zara Phythian participated in the ad, check out these exclusive screen caps below and follow the Youtube Link to check out the ad in high def!

Check out the Zaggora official Facebook Page @

Above Images (C) 2012 Zaggora Fitness, Screen Caps: Dan's Movie Report

Above Pic: One Sheet promo for The Beautiful ones

Director Jesse V. Johnson unleashes a world of crime and action in The Beautiful Ones. Jesse describes the plot: "The film deals with the obsessions and changing fortunes of a somewhat complex criminal." The Beautiful Ones stars Ross McCall, a veteran of wild action films such as Band of Brothers and Green Street Hooligans. Watch out for the ever dangerous, very tall, and saucy  Monique Ganderton in the film as well! Check out the first teaser trailer  @

More info as it arrives!

Dean Meadows has a brand new horror film that is set to go into Pre-production in July called Blood Rush. The Facebook page is:

Keep it locked on Dan's Movie Report for more news, interviews and special reports! 

Monday, June 4, 2012

Sledge Leather-Imagine Me Alive-Music Review

Above Pic: Sledge Leather "Imagine Me Alive" CD Cover

As promised, Dan's Movie Report becomes Dan's Music Report in anticipation of the new film Rock Of Ages. As a music journalist in the 80s, and early 90s I was lucky to be ale to meet and interview many of my favorite underground and national acts. What better way to start off my new feature than blasting out a review of a new band that includes musicians that have a long history in making heavy music. Time to go inside Sledge Leather!

Inspired by the death of Ronnie Dio, Leather Leone decides that the time is right to delve into the music world agsain after a nearly two decade absence. Meeting up with drummer Sande Sledge again 1/2 of the old Malibu Barbie line-up is together.

For "Imagine Me Alive" the band stick to their roots and put forth a sonic blast of 80s inspired power, updated to 2012 in the lyrical content. The music is undulating, driving, full of energy and vivaciousness, characterized by Leather's unmistakable voice, and Sandy's ever steady pulsing beat. The title track Imagine Me Alive is a standout, mixing almost anthem qualities with driving rhythms. The tunes flow seamlessly and a provocotive mixture of pre-recorded movie lines provide a few of the transitions.

I like the disc, the short running time leaves me wanting more and is kind of disappointing, but after listening to the disc over and over again, the music all merges together. I enjoy "Imagine Me Alive" and recommend a purchase. I give "Imagine Me Alive" a 7 out of 10, an inspiring re-birth, and new project of Sledge leather! 

The music and various other items can be obtained directly from their website @

Watch for more music reviews on Dan's Movie Report! It is time to ROCK!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Diego Boneta is Drew Boley New Photo! New Video!

Above Pic: (C) 2012 Warner Bros

Young actor Diego Boneta plays Drew Boley, an upcoming musician in search of a dream. He is planning to be in Miami doing press, and appearances on Monday and Tuesday June 4th and 5th promoting Rock of Ages! Get ready to rock!

Check out this clip Diego performing "I WANNA ROCK!" by Twisted Sister! Power Slide your browsers to the YouTube link @

Below is Diego promoting Rock of Ages on Univision L.A. on Sunday June 3rd.

Alec Baldwin is Dennis Dupree New Photo! New Video!

Above Pic: (C) 2012 Warner Bros

Check out a long haired Alec Baldwin as Dennis Dupree in the Burbon Room (filmed in Club Revolution in Ft. Lauderdale) The cast spent one full month filming in that room, utilizing the two story club to turn it into various 80s LA clubs. The movie exterior shots for the Sunset Strip were filmed in Overtown, in an area just north of downtown Miami, FL.

Comb your long haired browsers over to Youtube to check out this short new clip:

Paul Giamatti is Paul Gill! Rock of Ages New Photo and Video!

Above Pic: Paul Giamatti and Diego Boneta (C) 2012 Warner Bros

Fresh off the screening room, sleazy 80s agent extraordinaire Paul Gil (Paul Giamatti) tells rising rock star Drew Boley (Diego Boneta) how to make it big in the business of 80s rock, and become a "Rock Icon" like Stacy Jaxx!

Silde your 80s porn mustache browsers to the fresh new youtube link @

Keep reading Dan's Movie Report for more links, info, special reports, and more surprises!

Tom Cruise is Stacy Jaxx New Photo!

Above Pic (C) 2012 Warner Bros  Are you ready to Rock!

In case you were wondering how a rock star does an interview check out this new clip of Stacy Jaxx in Rock of Ages! Mailin Akerman plays the sultry minx like reporter.