English Dogs in Bangkok
Friday, June 13, 2014
The Odd Way Home Movie Review
From Breaking Glass Pictures comes a sordid tale of two lives intersecting at a point in time. Rumor Willis portrays a young woman named Maya, who was beaten by her boyfriend, and she embarks on a road journey, and she meets up, (well actually ends up at his house, and steals his truck with him in it) with an autistic man named Duncan, portrayed by Chris Marquette.
Obvious comparisons to Rain Man aside, The Odd Way Home is a great film, merging two genres together, as it is a true crazy, off the wall road film, and a heartwarming touching drama. The pair are in virtually every scene and ultimately end up searching for their parents. No spoilers, but they go through a myriad of life's issues, between her drug problems, bruises, and his autism, the film touches on several sensitive issues.
Rumor Willis, is pretty amazing in her first real feature drama. Her character Maya, shows the right amount of strength, yet enough vulnerability to maintain a balance. Chris Marquette's "Rain Man" portrayal is diverse and interesting. He has moments of clarity, shrouded in the structured chaos that is autism. I am sure if this was a theatrical film, awards would be mentioned, difficult performances for the young actors.
Powerful scenes, occur, when Duncan and Maya, meet with their parents, or what is left, more like a shell of a family unit. The stark contrasts, yet odd similarities, seem to draw the pair closer together. Duncan's father is a rich powerful man, who wants nothing to do with him and Maya's mother is picking up the pieces of her shattered life as well. Do not want to give these scenes away, but the two actors Veronica Cartwright who portrayed Maya's mother and Bruce Altman who played Duncan's father, are so amazingly realistic, it leads me to believe, that this film touches on some air of reality in either their own lives or the life of writer/director Rajeev Nirmalakhandan
The Odd Way Home, is not a film to be taken lightly, as it delves deep into the autism situation. The Odd Way Home is in no way preachy about the subject, as it is presented in an objective way. I recommend the film as a purchase from Breaking Glass Pictures, The Odd Way Home rates a solid 7 out of 10.
The film is available June 17th! Click the Amazon Link Below for Purchase!
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Actress Dionne Vincent! Rises Up, Hot Newcomer! (Exclusive)
After watching Landlord: Time To Pay The Rent, and witnessing Dionne's violent portrayal of hench woman, Freddie, I feel it is my duty as a writer to find more about her! So here goes:
With a huge interest in all genres in film and arts. Dionne landed her first film role in 2008 in Rob Ho's "The Landlord", playing pyscho siren Freddie.
Dionne Vincent ( born June 28 1985) is a British actress and presenter from Bristol, England.
With a huge interest in all genres in film and arts. Dionne landed her first film role in 2008 in Rob Ho's "The Landlord", playing pyscho siren Freddie.
"Playing Freddie was a great experience, she is an extremely edgy character who is just completely nuts. It was an honour to be casted for the film as this was my first film project. Working with a great team I was taught a lot about film making behind and in front of the camera. I feel it opened up many opportunities for me. I have a great mentor, Mr Rob Ho, who has taught me many things from the industry, he is an extremely supportive and influential and valued individual and I'm extremely honoured to know such a great man. I owe him a lot and will always thank him for his great efforts".
This ignited the passion Dionne had to be an actress from a very early age. From very early on in Dionne's life she knew she wanted to be involved within the arts and entertainment and would perform at home or in school to anyone who would watch.
From her first feature role in 2008 this gave Dionne many opportunities within film, taking on many roles within the UK indie industry. Dionne has an interest in martial arts and action, working in a number of genres for film including action, comedy and horror.
From choreography for fight scenes in recent months for indie feature film "The Virus" Dionne plays Sister Price a butt kicking zombie nun. Dionne has choreographed all of her own fight scenes in this feature and will be set for release in the near future in the UK.
"With a number of projects coming up, it's an extremely exciting time for me, I have recently finished filming for a great production featuring some top British icons, I'm extremely limited of what I can give away at the moment but it will be released in movie theatres next summer in USA and the UK. The experience has made me appreciate how these big budget movies work, the professionalism and dedication to every single person involved in production. This has gave me a taste of what I really want to do. I have a number of projects keeping me busy throughout the summer, from voice over work to film and presenting work, I plan to add a couple more IMDb credits by next year (well that's my plan)."
Dionne also enjoys presenting work, featuring at Glastonbury festival annually featuring on the West Holts Stage and working on an online fashion channel, Legslavish.
"I love interacting with people if it be film or presenting work, I find it a privilege to portray stories and information to a wide audience. I'm extremely grateful for every opportunity given to me."
For more info IMDB Link: http://m.imdb.com/name/nm4403530/
Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/dionne13
Twitter @ https://twitter.com/dionne_vincent
For more info IMDB Link: http://m.imdb.com/name/
Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/dionne13
Twitter @ https://twitter.com/dionne_vincent
Monday, June 9, 2014
Artie Lange Live with Special Guest Bob Levy Live at the Coral Springs Center for The Performing Arts! 6-28-14!
June 28, 2014 @ 8:00 pm
Coral Springs Center for the Arts
2855 Coral Springs Drive
Coral Springs,FL 33065
2855 Coral Springs Drive
Coral Springs,FL 33065
Click HERE to visit Artie Lange’s website
Adult material. Explicit language and content. Not suitable for children under 18.
Also listen to BOB!
Tune in Monday - Friday 9pm - Midnight Eastern
Ears Wide Open w/
Reverend Bob Levy & Stacey Prussman
Listen in Washington DC on
Listen in Boston on
1510 AM WUFC
or listen online or on your phone
with the TuneIn App!
Follow Artie on Twitter @ https://twitter.com/artiequitter
Rev Bob Levy on Twitter @ https://twitter.com/TheRevBobLevy
Artie Lang Website @ http://artiequitter.com/
Bob Levy Official Website @ www.revboblevy.com
New Artie Book! Crash and Burn!
"Can You Kick It" Movie Review (Exclusive Photos!) "Kicktionary!"
Bad 80's synth music aside, and yes it is on purpose, pay close attention to the background, as that is how you attain maximum gym area, Eric is given a wide berth, a huge area of space as people seem to scuttle by, a bit perplexed, as one person is on the swing, in the background watching, Are they afraid and, or in awe of this amazing and seriously awesome kicking display.
Flying kicks, spinning kicks, 360s, 540s, 720s, all executed to perfection in a five minute span. He has some help along the way, brave people, including his lovely finance, holding up sparring equipment to put his foot into, I actually twisted my ankle watching this and I was sitting down, must get ice and a Tears for Fears Cassette!
Seriously Though, this is an amazing display of skill, I hope Eric, actually gets to play Striker or some other huge budget action film soon, he deserves it! Eric, you kick ass, pads, and are full of an epic set of facial fuzziness!
Over the next few months keep an eye, and foot out on Dan's Movie Report as Eric Jacobus will get his chance for an interview He will chat facial hair, Google Glass, Bad 80s music, Laser Discs, and tell me how Striker would beat Mileena in a fight!!!!! "Can You Kick It" rates an 8.5 out of 10!
Watch the film @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qylxk4pTcno
Until then, Follow Eric and The Stunt People on Youtube @ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQINCBT70eomwMIPR1BnjLg
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Actress/Legend Daisy Lang Exclusive Interview! Exclusive Photos! (C) 2014 Danny Templegod
my esteemed readers, time for another legend interview on Dan's Movie Report!
Martial Artist/Boxer/Actress Daisy Lang chats exclusively with with
Dan's Movie Report, about her career, past, present, and future. This
interview is 11 years in the making! I met Daisy back in 2003 in Las Vegas at the H.I.M.A.S. Banquet, now the time is right!
bit about Daisy for the non initiated, non martial arts, and non boxing
she came to Los Angeles and started working in film Daisy Lang had a
world renowned career in karate, kick-boxing and boxing. In 1995 she
first became known to a U.S. audience as the World Champion in karate
and kick-boxing.
kickboxing, she became one of the pioneers in women’s professional
boxing in Europe. She has three World titles to her name, all won in
fights in Germany: Junior Bantam (1999), Bantam (2003) and Super
Bantam Weight (2003). Her success in sports made her a popular guest
on national TV shows and a frequent subject of magazine articles.
a successful decade in the sports world in Europe, Daisy relocated to
Los Angeles to concentrate on her acting career and business. In 2007
she became a member of SAG and has been working in films and
commercials, mostly in action roles
Lang is also a physical therapist who uses her experience as a world
class athlete and her knowledge in the medical field to promote
boxing as a way to stay in physical and mental shape.
I said LEGEND! Now sit back, grab some green tea, and tune out the
world and tune into Daisy Lang!
last spoke in 2003 when you were still actively fighting, when was
your final fight, and would you ever consider a return to the ring?
last fight was in Cologne, Germany in October 2004, (10-18-04 Maritim
Hotel) against Simone Suciu. (Link to Daisy's full boxing record @
My last fight was in Cologne, Germany in October 2004, (10-16-04
Maritim Hotel) against Simone Suciu. (Link to Daisy's full boxing
record @http://boxrec.com/list_bouts.php?human_id=6691&cat=boxer I
won with a knockout in the 4th
round. I wanted to have a good final fight as I finished my boxing
It happened, and I am very happy about that.
know you relocated to the U.S. Since we last chatted. How long have
you lived in California, what prompted the move?
have lived in California for 8 years and never planned to stay in
this country. I came often to the U.S. , for business, visited my
friends in Los Angeles, I always told my friends : I don't know when
I will come back, sorry, I am going back to the cold weather again. I
like the Sun in California and the freedom of many opportunity That
was a big reason for relocating here. Germany was the best place, to
have my boxing career, but everything moves slowly, and of course the
weather haha.
the film Undisputed 2, great film, How did you get the part of
Svetlana, must have been amazing to work with Issac and Scot Adkins,
and Michael Jai White, if you can share a cool story form that
was a big pleasure to work with Issac Florentine, and he is a big
martial artist too. Discussing how I got the part on the film,
initially I worked on another production before (U.S. Seals Dead Or
Alive, “Operation Stormbringer”) I was invited by the company ,Nu
Image , because of my sports experience and got a role of the
Russian Terrorist Ania, (I was still competing at the time) Because
of my role in that film, I was invited to the second movie Undisputed
2. The story in the movie takes place in the jail. The director
created a part for me, I was a bodyguard for the Russian Mafia Boss I
did not have many fighting opportunities in that film and discussed
with Issac Florentine all the time, can I get some kicks, can I fight
with somebody else. In Undisputed 2, I have to kill people with
weapons, and that was a bit boring for me haha. In acting, Issac
explained to me, it is not always to fight, that you have to play
cold, serious. It is much more difficult to play the part of the
bodyguard, to be serious all the time and I am a person who
likes to smile a lot, I really needed to work hard to be serious all
the time. It was a big pleasure to meet Scott Adkins and Michael Jai
White, both great actors and fighters, real action people, they did
there own stunts, and they did a very good job together.
with the action film topic, chat about about working on the film
Missionary Man with Dolph, you make a great tough girl! How did you
get that part?
there is a very interesting story about how I got that part, I was
invited by Sylvester Stallone to the premiere of Rocky 6, at the
Chinese Theater, actually Dolph is a good friend of mine. I met Dolph
in the premiere, he knew I liked motorcycles, he told me he was
shooting a film in Texas, he will also direct and star in the film,
he told me, there were a lot of motorcyclists,rockers etc, and he
wanted to give me the part of a bad girl biker! To ride motorcycles,
we also had the chance to work out together, he is an amazing
athlete. We trained together for the film, he is great he can fight
for real as well. He is a very organized and disciplined man, I went
for one week in Texas to work on Missionary Man, and with that film I
became a SAG member. It was a lot of fun, I was a bad girl, I did
some fighting in the film, we trained every day, and I met very nice
people on that film.
do you think about females in action films in 2014 as compared with a
decade or so ago, more doors are opened up?
am a very positive person, I see the action parts for women getting
better, not just this year, even starting a few years ago. Angelina
Jolie's influence has really helped. I think many more doors are opened up for
women in action films. This makes me very happy, I also see women
taken from UFC to be actresses like Gina Carano, Ronda Rousey, who
are athletes like me. I am a big fan of Ronda Rousey. I met her last
year in Bulgaria on the set of Expendables 3. I also watched Ronda
fight in Vegas, she is a super talented fighter, and very feminine.
you personally like the more raw style Scott Adkins style or the
wires and flashy stuff of the comic book adaptations?
I like both ,the combination, because I don't like just to be
rough, I like the comedy side as well. That part is much more
difficult to play as the opposed to be a brutal and rough person. I
had a nice experience in my first comedy movie The Gold and the
Beautiful with the Farley Brothers. I had a pretty big part to play
Reeza Rizoto who was the write hand to the "mafia boss"
Kevin Farley.
noticed you have been involved with a few charitable events, chat
about Big Fighter Big Cause, sounds like a cool charity.
was invited every year to this charity event true a friend of mine
Ann Marie Newman and I know Sugar
Ray Leonard too. Leonard is one of my favorite boxers, and he is a
legend. The fighting world in LA is like a very small city. All of
the boxing people know each other. Sugar Shane Mosley, Oscar De La
Hoya, and Mike Tyson are also involved in the project, a great cause.
new film or TV projects in the works?
have some parts in upcoming films, but not able to give the
information as of yet, you will be the first to know. People can
continue to get roles, If you look good, no matter the age. As long
as you look good and have solid physical shape. I believe you can
still get work as an action actor.
about opening a martial arts Dojo, have you done that, or are
thinking about it? The reason I ask is because of your vast
knowledge, and specialization in physical therapy.
now my time is so limited, I wish I could clone myself, to have time
to utilize all my talents together. I think I will be able to do that
when I stop traveling and stay in one place, and probably have a
family, but for now I do not have time to do this. When I was a child
I said I always wanted to have a physical therapy practice connected
to a martial arts dojo. When I lived in Bulgaria, my basis was
martial arts, everything after that I achieved comes from the martial
arts. I started with Tae Kwon Do, then karate, then kick-boxing, and
the end of the story is that I became a professional boxer.
slight diversion in the interview, chat about training singer Doro
Pesch for her celebrity boxing match? As a huge fan of her music and
of course martial arts, I am curious to learn the situation behind
her fight.
was a reality show in Germany- like dancing with the stars, but it
was a Boxing with the stars. Doro and I are very good friends, from
Dusseldorf. She is a powerful woman too. Doro came to some of my
first boxing revisited the gym in Dusseldorf, she liked martial arts
a lot, and our managers knew each other as well. I am a rock-n-roll
lady and like her music. Actually I was supposed to train Samantha
Fox for the show . I went to London, to train her and she was injured
5-6 days before the show she had to pull out. I told my manager, to
get Doro. It was difficult to get Doro, she was on tour at the time Her manager did not want her to do the fight, because she could get
hurt. I spent some time with Doro on her tour bus, we trained for
only three days between the concerts. We had some training and
interviews, it was a very short time to get ready for that show, but
she did an incredible job. It was awesome working with her.
cool story about Doro, she is such a talented and hard working
person! Share some final thoughts Daisy, lets wrap this chat up.
Thank you for your sharing your time to conduct this detailed
Martial Arts spirit and experiences are always a part of my life, and
make me a very positive person. I wanna say to everyone: "Don't
be afraid to do what you wish! Every day is a new beginning!"
Danny, thank you again, I am sure we will chat soon
when my new films begin shooting, and I have additional news.
Videos from Daisy: Acting Reel: Daisy Lang's Acting Reel
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